Friday, February 27, 2009

Prep at the guys house

"The fat piece goes around the skinny piece ..." 

Taking a moment to lighten things up

Things look peaceful enough

Matthew gives me a last minute touch up ... wait ... do guys actually DO that?

All frivolity aside, we take a moment for prayer.

And we are off ...

Adjusting things ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't let that little caption fool you. We were driving to the wedding when a trash barrel in the back of Michael's truck jostled free. The cover flew off and almost caused a 50 car pileup behind them...after swerving a bit to avoid the lid, i prepared to use evasive maneuvers to dodge the barrel. Luckily for us, Michael pulled over before the barrel had a chance to escape. After a little adjustment...we were back on the road.