Monday, January 4, 2010

But wait! There's more ...

So after our own Polar Plunge, we saw a mob of about a 1,000 people on the other end of the beach. We knew there was an official plunge, but it was still quite a surprise! Back in my parents day, only about 10 people would show up on any given New Years.

Me & My Sista

My brothers slowly warming up. Although, Micaiah still claims that his legs froze off in the ocean and he is going to have to come back in the spring once they thaw out.

Milling around, we met this guy with the neatest five toed "barefoot shoes". I think that would have done the trick for my little tosies.
Vibram Five Fingers SPRINT Men's Shoes (Navy) FREE SHIPPING (44, Navy/Blue/Camo)

Suddenly, without warning, they're off! A mob of freezing, frozen, flailing folks

One step at a time, the true die-hard makes it back to land.

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